Friday, June 18, 2010

Day 27: A Much Improved Mood

After a night of sleep, I woke up feeling much better than I did the day before. Woke up late though and nearly missed my ride with Lois and Sam.

Lois felt confident about the Equipment exam we were going to take, so she wanted to get it over and done with. Despite feeling my feeling unprepared, we took the test at 8:30. After a mix-up with the answer key, Emma got our tests graded. For the first (and hopefully last) time, Lois outscored me by five points. But only missing one isn't too shabby I guess. Some people say you don't even NEED a safety stop. (Just kidding. Always do a safety stop.)

A bit frustrated, I talked to Peter who told me that several of the emails I formatted yesterday went out with an error. Maybe Steve Jobs can keep his job after all. Carl and Emma pulled me aside a bit later, and we talked about my options for working around my new diagnosis. From the sound of it, we'll just be pushing everything back, which should mean I'm finished before I have to leave. Looks like I'll have time for a job after all.

Carl suggested that I look for work aboard a dive boat, just to get exposure, and that I look to do it somewhere else along the coast. Maybe the Northies bouncers are cooler than him after all. I've not ruled it out though, as there is more of Australia that I'd like to see.

Peter later offered me a job servicing regulators and tanks for a couple months, which I might end up doing. I'd never thought I'd complain about having too many options for how I want to spend my time. Carl figured that I should know how to service a tank anyway, and showed me how it's done. Most of the process I had learned about in my Gas Blender course, but there was more to it than I expected. Carl gave me a valve to service by myself, and (pardon my humility) I did a damn good job. The tank even passed the "Will it Hold Air?" test, which is kinda important.

As always on Fridays, we had a divemaster meeting with Emma and Carl, which was just an overview of our schedules for next week. I have Wednesday off, so I can go to the ear specialist appointment I booked earlier today. With any luck, this doctor will be able to help me speed it up, or perform any necessary surgery. Getting the appointment was atrocious, but I'm hoping he'll have good news for me.

Didn't do too much after the meeting, and left once we had had our individual meetings. Sam, Lois and I met Caroline at the Intersection for dinner and a few drinks, which was all the excitement we'd have for the night. Turned in early again in an effort to prepare myself for the tomorrow night.

Yours in Swearing I'm Not an Old Man,

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 26: Heartbreak in Bondi

Today was a day of great expectations, as I had an appointment with Dr. Harry, known to most as "The Dive Doctor." I took it as a good sign that I managed to wake up and make it to the train on time. It was an hour-long train ride from Cronulla to Bondi, which I used to study for tomorrow's Equipment exam (I sound just like a good student).

I arrived for my appointment at 11:30 on the dot and filled in all the necessary paperwork. After confirming that I am not and will not be pregnant, I was called into Dr. Harry's office. He took a look in each of my ear and without pause told me.
"You've got a huge hole in your eardrum."


He went on to tell me that you can see clear through to my middle ear (Physiology of Diving!) and said that it'd heal -if I'm atrociously lucky- in three months. I damn near cried. I could tell he felt bad for me, but there's nothing to be done. He did me the favor of drawing a picture of my eardrum (see below).

I let Carl know what had been said, and rang my mom in the States so she wouldn't worry. On my way back to the train station, I spotted a guitar shop that I hadn't seen when I first walked past. And like any responsible adult in a time of crisis, I bought a guitar. Not particularly fancy but it'll help me cope with being away from my acoustic at home. Had a spot of trouble with the train (I'll master public transit someday), and stopped in the bakery on my way home.

It's been a quiet night. Lois and I stayed in, her with a movie and me with my new guitar. Hopefully we haven't gotten too cocky about our exam tomorrow, as Peter says it's the one that most people fail. I've finished all the reading, so I'm feeling somewhat confident. And I think I absorb more information now that there's another hole in my head.

Yours in Self-Deprecating Humor,

Day 25: Robert Sees the End of Origin

As you may have seen, I spent the morning catching up on my beloved travel blog. I've been neglecting it while I try to get all of my readings done. And I've had some wicked computer trouble, and most of my work is now relegated to the tiny piece of working screen (k, done bitching now).

After I had typed out two or three, Peter set me to work fixing the auto-emails. I spent the afternoon writing new emails, finding any typos, and then setting up the routing codes for the emails I'd written. Fascinating stuff, right? Rachael took me aside for a break and showed me how to attach the regulator and high/low pressure hoses to the first stage valve (The first stage valve connects to the cylinder of air, and by routing the air to the regulator, makes the high pressure air breathable). Great timing, since I have my Equipment exam on Friday, and was a bit confused about the first stage's set up.

My day's work done, I headed for home with Carl and Rachael. Tonight was the second game of State of Origin, which would determine if NSW still had a chance to win it. The guys all went to Carl's house to watch the game. It would have been nice if team had showed up to play. Queensland whooped us soundly, I'll admit it. Cheatin' bastards.

Unlike the Blues, I was in spectacular form. I made it all the way to the end of the match without being asked to leave! Turns out Carl is much cooler than the Northies bouncers.

I rode home with Pixie, and settled into bed early. Tomorrow is my appointment with the dive doctor. I hope he has good news.

Yours in Crossing Fingers,

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dear Readers,

I know I've been slacking a bit, and for that you have my apologies. I'm having a bit of computer trouble at the moment, but as you can see I'm updating bits and pieces, and should be caught up soon.

Yours in Keeping Promises,

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 22: We Gon' Party Like It's the Queen's Birthday

This was not an easy morning to wake up. The wine I'd had last night packed a punch, although it wasn't quite strong enough to burst any eardrums. Lois wasn't much better. Lucky for her, it was the last day of the Rescue Diver course, so she'd get to practice all the life-saving skills in water, while I slung suds (that's the hip lingo for "washing gear") back at the shop. After rallying and making it to the shop, Carl left with Lois and the other Rescue students in tow.

Unfortunately, my "filling tanks with reckless abandon" was not the best strategy for it, and many of the tanks were under-filled. I sent Carl a sincere apology text, and in true Aussie fashion he replied "No warries, mate." I know it was a bit of an inconvenience. But I'll be the best darned tank filler ever one day, you'll see!

After another day of getting my jeans sopping wet in the name of rental gear cleanliness, I began preparing myself for the experience that is Sunday night at Northies. Donning my best jeans and a shirt, I got my hair did by Lois and shaved off a week of beard growth. Needless to say, I was looking ridiculously good-looking.

If Sunday is the day for resting, the people of Cronulla haven't heard about it. The place was packed, the music loud, the drinks expensive. I had a great night though. To my dismay though, the girls were ready to leave after only an hour of dancing. And I had just gotten warmed up too...

We headed back to Sam's place for a bit; Lois, Sam, Caroline, and myself led the way, with Kristy valiantly trying to shake off a creepy guy in the rear (Not editing that, but you keep your mind out of the gutter.) Things kinda fizzled out for the night, so I headed home, leaving the girls to hang out. Tomorrow's my day off though, which will hopefully mean adventure.

Yours in Pourin' Out a Shot for the Queen,